Qualified Settlement Funds - Simplifying the Litigation Settlement Process
Litigation settlements and awards are typically sent to the plaintiff attorneys’ IOLTA account, but that may not be the best option for you, the attorney, or your client. Funds received into your IOLTA expose you, as well as your clients, to financial disadvantages including immediate taxation on taxable elements, loss or reduction of government benefits, and loss of the ability to structure or assign the proceeds.
However, a Qualified Settlement Fund (also known as a QSF) solves these problems. Being IRS qualified, the QSF holds the settlement funds, tax deferred, while affording you and your clients time to plan. Unlike an IOLTA a QSF preserves your ability to structure or assign any portion of your fees. Additionally, a QSF preserves your client's ability to structure or fund a special needs or settlement protection trust.
Most importantly, a QSF does all this without triggering constructive receipt or loss of government benefits. Authorized by the IRS in 1993, QSFs have a 30-year track record of providing tax and financial advantages to clients and law firms alike. Whether a single event case with a single plaintiff or multi-claimant complex litigation, QSFs offer unmatched advantages and flexibilities.
Motivated by multiple advantages, large and small law firms nationwide are adopting QSFs at an ever-increasing rate.
Join the growing number of law firms using Qualified Settlement Funds. Reach out to us today. Discuss how the quick, easy, and affordable QSF 360 platform can benefit you, your firm and your clients.