image of QSF 360 - qualified settlement funds

Qualified Settlement Fund

QSF 360™ the fastest and most affordable QSF escrow solution ever created. The only "end to end" online turnkey solution administered by a licensed trust company.
QSF 360™

Revolutionizing the Qualified Settlement Fund Industry

There Are Qualified Settlement Funds and Then There is QSF 360™

Download the QSF 360™ brochure to learn more about qualified settlement fund solutions.

Qualified Settlement Funds (QSF) Guides

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Experience Matters

EPTC has administered QSF escrows for some of the most recognized cases in U.S. history and globally. We've handled all or a portion of the following QSFs listed.
Johnson & Johnson logoMedtronic
RoundUp logo
Chevron logo
Bath & Body Works logo
Ambilify logo
Garuda Indonesia logo
Air Philippines logo
General Motors
VW logo
Madoff International logoMatch
Lyft logo
ARAMARKViagra logo
AndroGel logo
Stryker logoIntuit logo
Purdue PharmaPolaris
Cuban Liberty and Democratic Solidarity logo
Cuban Liberty and Democratic Solidarity
Invokana logoXarelto logo
Jack in the Box logo

What Is a Qualified Settlement Fund (QSF)?

A Qualified Settlement Fund (QSF), established under IRC § 1.468B-1 as a 468B Trust, is a statutory trust that covers a wide range of litigation types, from large and complex cases to single event and single plaintiff cases. A QSF, sometimes referred to as a qualified settlement trust, qualified settlement fund trust, QSF account, QSF trust, or 468B trust, preserves tax advantages and provides tax deferral and the benefit of extra planning time.
A QSF is a type of “settlement escrow” that holds the proceeds of a judicial award or settlement. The defendant’s obligations are held in the QSF until claimants become eligible for a disbursement. Law firms of all sizes utilize QSFs in cases involving multiple plaintiffs arising from an event or related series of events and in single-plaintiff matters.

Benefits of a QSF

QSFs benefit all parties by providing tax benefits, expediting the administration and distribution of settlement payments, and assisting in resolving liens and post-settlement secondary disputes.

• Benefits of a QSF for the Plaintiff
Plaintiffs gain the advantages of extra time to conduct financial planning and tax deferral while the funds are in the QSF, as well as the preservation of beneficial tax options that may otherwise be lost.

• Benefits of a QSF for the Defendant
With a QSF, the defendant is afforded an immediate tax deduction and extracts themselves from the post-settlement and settlement administration process.

• Benefits of a QSF for the Attorney
Attorneys benefit from reduced settlement administration, reduced risks by not having the funds in the firm’s IOLTA, and tax and financial planning benefits for themselves.

QSF Creation

The outdated process of waiting months for a QSF to be created and spending thousands in legal fees is no longer necessary. QSF creation has moved into the 21st century with online same-day creation powered by QSF 360’s quick, easy, and affordable Qualified Settlement Fund platform.

QSF Administration

A crucial role is that of the QSF administrator and QSF trustee (when applicable) in overseeing the QSF fund and managing the recordkeeping, division, vesting, and disbursement process. However, most importantly, the QSF administrator’s role is to ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations and the associated tax reporting, tax payments, and coordinating with legal counsel.

QSF 360 is your resource for a quick, easy, and turnkey Qualified Settlement Fund administration and creation solution.

Qualified Settlement Fund News & Insights

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Trusted by Thousands of Users Worldwide

Eastern Point’s patented technology has been trusted by over 20,000 users from across the world to design solutions of all sizes and complexities.
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You're in Good Company

Our clients cannot afford to compromise on security and quality of service. That’s why they choose Eastern Point Trust Company.
  • Office of the Public Guardian / Guardian ad Litem
  • Financial Institutions
  • Settlement Planners
  • Law Firms
  • Investment Advisors
  • Mediators, Courts, School Districts & Municipalities / Counties / Towns
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Single-Claimant & Multi-Claimant Capable

Eastern Point offers support for both single-claimant and multi-claimant qualified settlement funds pursuant to Regs. §1.468B-1(c)(2).
A man in a suit looking at a tablet while sitting at a table

Qualified Settlement Fund (QSF) and Settlement Claims Administration Services

At Eastern Point Trust Company, we provide comprehensive, low-cost and innovative QSF and Settlement Administration services for cases of all sizes.

The most often used QSF solution from single plaintiff cases to mass tort litigation and mass arbitration

Agile and Detail Oriented

As little as one-day establishment, service, and distribution


A custom array of services to address your specific case needs

Low Cost

QSF and settlement administration solutions at unmatched pricing


QSF thought and technology leader

Learn more about our trusted and proven solutions.
QSF Administration: Learn More
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QSF360™ Advantage

QSF 360™ Advantage

Discover the advantages of QSF 360™ powered by EPTC’s patented technology TrustWare™ system, the fastest distribution processor in the industry.
Download QSF Fact Sheet
Requirements of a Qualified Settlement Fund image

Requirements of a Qualified Settlement Fund

A quick look at the requirements to establish a QSF pursuant to § 1.468B-1 (c).
Download QSF Requirements
Establishing a Qualified Settlement Fund image

Establishing a Qualified Settlement Fund

Insight on QSF creation and common practices.
Download QSF Overview
QSF360™ Fees image

QSF 360™ Fees

Our fees cover a continuum of services from account set-up to fund closing.
Download QSF Fees