The Plaintiff Recovery Trust

... recover more
Increasing the amount plaintiffs keep in taxable cases. Without it, plaintiffs are taxed on proceeds paid to their lawyers.

Talk to a Plaintiff Recovery Trust Expert

Reducing Taxes in Taxable Cases

The Recovery Trust is based on a commonly used estate planning arrangement. Formal tax opinions are available for a minimal fee from a firm of 1,000+ advisors.

Avoid Unnecessary Taxes

Download the Recovery Trust brochure to learn more about the problem, the solution, and next steps.
Paula Elliot
Trial Lawyer

“Every trial lawyer should know about this. It dramatically reduces client taxes.”

Paula Elliot
Trial Lawyer
Jeffrey Travers
Trial Lawyer

“This saved my client millions. I’d absolutely recommend that plaintiff lawyers consider it. Using the trust was easy and the team was incredibly helpful.”

Jeffrey Travers
Trial Lawyer

Increasing Your After-Tax Recovery

Plaintiffs often keep half of what they should, paying tax on winnings their lawyers keep. Lawyers then pay tax on the same money. The Recovery Trust avoids this "Double Tax."

Fees on Savings

Our fee is 3% of your taxable damages, typically 20% of tax savings. See brochure for more details.
Increasing Your After-Tax Recovery - Fees on Savings bar charts

Significant Savings

In a typical taxable case, the Recovery Trust grows your net after-tax recovery by more than 70%.
Increasing Your After-Tax Recovery - Significant Savings pie charts
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Damages that Will Benefit

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Punitive damages & interest
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Alimony & child support
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Emotional distress without physical injury
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Fraud, negligence, breach of contract
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Interference with property/contract
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Defamation, libel, privacy violations
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Professional malpractice
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Opt-in class actions

Damages that Won’t Benefit

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Physical injury without punitives/interest
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Claims for your business or a capital asset
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Some discrimination claims
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Some employment claims

The Recovery Trust at Work

If your injury claim is owned by the Recovery Trust, you're not taxed on winnings paid out in legal fees. Instead, you pay tax only on the amount you keep.
The Recovery Trust At Work chart

Approved Deferral

The Recovery Trust supports deferral arrangements of all kinds and durations. Once created, the Recovery Trust distributes ownership of your future payments.
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Non-Qualified Assignments
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Qualified Assignments
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Post-QSF Structures
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Structured Fees
Approved Deferral chart

Deferring More

Often, plaintiffs structure less in order to pay taxes on the fee portion of their settlement. The Recovery Trust avoids those taxes, allowing larger or longer payments.
Deferring More - Typical Structured Settlement chart
Jeff Kemp
Guardian Ad Litem

“Using the Recovery Trust was a no-brainer. It doubled my ward’s recovery!”

Jeff Kemp,
Guardian Ad Litem
Lauren Grantham

“This makes a huge difference to the client. It also helped them trust us.”

Lauren Grantham, Paralegal
Rebekah Miller
President, American Association of Settlement Consultants

“It was a great vehicle. It increased my clients’ monies by 140% of what they would have had.”

Rebekah Miller
President, American Association of Settlement Consultants
Joe Di Gangi
Past President, Society of Settlement Planners

“The only effective solution I know to the plaintiff double tax. Efficient and professional!”

Joe Di Gangi
President, Society of Settlement Planners

Advisors, Planners & Brokers

Advisors, planners, and brokers are critical to informing plaintiffs about arrangements like the Recovery Trust. Up to 10% of the PRT accessed fees are available to compensate planners for their professional services. Thank you for helping their clients avoid unnecessary taxation.

Plaintiff Recovery Fund News & Insights

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